På 50- og 60 tallet var det Sveitsiske Alpa SLR-kameraet
regnet so noe av det beste. De laget ikke egen optikk,
men var blandt de første med TTL lysmåling i et kamerahus
hvis kvalitet var helt uten sidestykke. Fabrikken
gikk konkurs tidlig på 90-tallet og gamle Alpa-kameraer er
regnet som svært verdifulle samlerobjekter. Nå har
fabrikken startet opp igjen og lager et mellomformats-
kamera av meget høy kvalitet.
What is special about the ALPA?

First, there is an uncompromising regard for reliability, precision and simplicity along with
painstaking attention to the highest standard of quality: the foundation of the ALPA reputation for
the last half-century. Then there are all those sophisticated details that impress the professionals
and connoisseurs with their practical and aesthetic values. They have inspired the international
trade press to making enthusiastic comparisons with legends such as Bugatti, Colt, Fabergé and
Patek Philippe (Shutterbug, Florida/USA). There are, for example, major parts that are cut out
of solid pieces of rolled alloy of a type used by the aerospace industry. There is a viewfinder
made in Switzerland exclusively for ALPA. There is an extremely smooth ball- and roller-bearing
shift movement (ALPA 12S/WA). There are the unique interchangeable Zeiss Biogon T*
4.5/38mm and the hand grips formed ergonomically from selected woods or a variety of other
materials. And ALPA supplies customised roll film backs engineered specially to a flange focal
distance tolerance of +/- 2/100mm. It goes without saying that there is equipment on the market
with much looser tolerances. You get what you pay for.

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